dvd collection

aeon flux: the complete series


barefoot in the park

care bears: kingdom of caring

the care bears movie

corpse bride

daria: the complete series

death race

ergo proxy: the complete series

ghost world

invader zim volume 3

john dies at the end

kare kano (his and her circumstances) 1

kubo and the two strings


the last unicorn (25th anniversary edition)

millennium actress


monster high: boo york, boo york

monster high: freaky fusion

monster high: friday night frights

monster high: fright on!

monster high: frights, camera, action!

monster high: ghouls rule

monster high: haunted

monster high: scaremester collection

monster high: scaris, city of frights

monster high: why do ghouls fall in love?

my little pony: the movie

the neverending story

pan's labyrinth


the princess and the goblin

princess mononoke

resident evil: degeneration

resident evil: the complete collection

romeo + juliet

silent hill

tokyo babylon

x: the complete series

yami no matsuei (descendants of darkness) 1

yami no matsuei (descendants of darkness) 2

yami no matsuei (descendants of darkness) 3

yami no matsuei (descendants of darkness) 4

also... if u wanna help me build my collection... i have a wishlist of dvds (and other disc media) i want hard copies of