image hosting & organization

note: since this website is built in neocities, i had neocities in mind when i made this page, but it will work no matter your host as long as you're able to use html

the conundrum of having image-heavy pages... it's a lot of uploading, then manually coding the page a lot of graphics display on, and getting the urls for every single one. frankly, blinkies pages are a nightmare, and then of course those graphics take up space and bandwidth...

what if i were to tell you there's an easier way to upload and organize a ton of images that will save space on your host?

setting it up

step 01: go to tumblr, and create an account if you don't have one. once you make an account, or if you already had one, make a new blog. this blog will be where your graphics will be hosted! (you could technically use your main blog, but from personal experience i recommend a separate dedicated one.) you can name it whatever you want, but it's probably a good idea to make it something you'll recognize

step 02: go to your settings. on the right will be a list of all your blogs. click on the name of the blog you made for hosting purposes. it'll take you to a new page with settings for that blog. the third option on this page will be "website theme." click on the button next to it that says "edit theme"

step 03: you'll be on yet another new page. this is tumblr's theme editor, where you tweak the appearance of a blog and add assets. in the sidebar to the left is options for the theme, and near the bottom is an option to add a page. click on that

step 04: in the page editor, it will give you the option to name the page, along with whether you want it to be html or rich text ("standard layout.") you'll want to keep it in standard mode for now. there will be options underneath, a place to type... and a camera button that will let you upload images. upload what you want, save the page, and voila! your images are hosted, and all you need to do is right click them in the page preview to get their urls to post them elsewhere


tumblr is a huge blogging platform that makes a lot of money and literally deals with thousands of images being uploaded daily. at one point it was bought by yahoo for over a billion dollars. it's currently owned by the company that owns wordpress, another major blogging platform. they advertize to users, and sell premium content for revenue. they are not hurting for cash, they can afford the hosting and bandwidth, and they are a stable host. (i've used them for over a decade in this way with no problems lol)

don't direct link images from smaller sites, however. that can cost the site admin by their host nerfing them until they get more bandwidth, or them paying more out of pocket for it, etc.


when you're hard-coding stuff manually, it's difficult to visually see changes unless you save and refresh. on tumblr, it automatically updates your preview window, and the content is right there in editor to begin with

you can also directly copy and paste the images themselves in the editor, and place them where you want without fiddling with code to accomplish it

a caveat is you don't have "folders" this way to organize stuff. what i personally do is i make a different page depending on what i'm uploading, so for example i have a blinkies page, and a toybox page, etc.

you can also highlight an image, and easily add a link to it to link back to where you got something

easy coding

tumblr pages offer the option of making the page display in html. after uploading images in the standard editor, and organizing where you want them, all that's left to do is copy the html. voila! it's already coded for you! just paste the html into the relevant neocities page, and there you have it! organized images that don't cost you server space or bandwidth!

i hope this was helpful!

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