sozai archive

sozai is a japanese term referring to web graphics, often in a pixel and "kawaii" style. in case the design of this very site didn't make it apparent, i love sozai, lol. so of course i have a collection i've accumulated over time!

disclaimer: normally folks offer sozai they themselves made, but i don't have the talent or skill. a lot of older sites have also gone down, and some content has been lost to time. i do not claim any of these graphics as my own. this is intended to be as i labeled it: an archive. everything will be linked to their appropriate creators, and if you use anything archived here, please link to them as well!

tips: using a mass image downloader can be helpful if you want to quickly save full sets. i personally use the image downloader chrome extension. i also highly, HIGHLY recommend creating folders and naming them after the asset sources so you know who to credit when you use them!

if you're a content creator and would things removed from this archive, please contact me